Thank you Team Kasauli! You’ll rocked. I was, sadly, only present for a day but it was a good day. Cheers and more power to all of you.

Shammy Baweja
Thank you for such a special litfest. I attended every session with amazement!
It would give me great pleasure to invite you both for a drink and snack at my little cottage - any day and time that suits you.

Renu Chahil-Graf
Thank you - I will cherish the memories of my time at KSLF
KSLF was a mesmerising experience for me.
Thank you very, very much for the warm hospitality.
As I mentioned to Madhur, I would love to volunteer for the next KSLF.
Thank you again for everything.

Prajakt Raut
I'm glad I got to spend a little time with you both and chat. Thanks for the incredible hospitality at Kasauli and for letting me have a session to myself which I hope didn't disappoint. The party at Rajvilla was beautiful as was the home. I loved the Polonius quote on one of the walls. And I met so many people that night who wanted to share their views on my session. Really felt I had made a connection which doesn't happen at every festival.
Warmest warmest wishes,

Anjum Hasan
Managed to get through to Nanni. She was busy.
She organised the vehicle very nicely.
Priscilla and I enjoyed every moment in beautiful Kasauli. There was something to learn from every session and we made lots of new friends.
The KS Lit Fest is one of the best Lit Fests I have ever attended.
Thank you and Rahul for all that you did to make this event so interesting and rewarding.

Ian and Priscilla.
I got good feedback from the audience… you’ll had a really good mix of speakers and sessions. Very well done. Take a bow

Shammy Baweja
Interactions with fine minds. The processing of great ideas and absolutely riveting conversations.
I got substantial break through in my Himalaya mission work. Which I will outline in points.

Punam Jain
Hi Niloufer. Hearing such excellent things about the festival (I have real FOMO) but hope to be there next year!

Tanu Dogra
Thank you Niloufer,
It was such a lovely experience. I would love to be back next year

Maria Goretti
Thank u Rahulji for a wonderful Litfest commemorating the memory of your illustrious father and a great human being. ..... Thank u and Niloufer again for an amazing Litfest. I wish it would never end.

Mudit Jain
We are so very grateful to Almighty for letting us enjoy the lit fest to the fullest with bright sunshine and warmth . So grateful that the great effort was wonderfully blessed . We as a family were enchanted by your and Rahul sir’s warmth and love showered on all of us and are so very grateful for being a part of the Elite family last night at dinner in your ancestral home. Sending you loads of love warm regards .

Arvinder, Parminder, Harpriya and Jaskaran
Dear Nanni,
just to inform you that the driver came on time and dropped us at a friends house and left. Our host dropped us to the airport later.Flt was a bit late but we reached Delhi safely and are home
Thank you so much for all that you did for us - ever grateful.
I destroyed the coupons at the airport
Hope your son is doing well
We enjoyed every minute of being at the Lit Fest- everyone was so helpful and friendly. Bless them all
Fondest regards from us both. God bless and take care

Priscilla Cordozo
Dear Niloufer, sent to me by our close family friend General Ian Cardozo, who wrote the book on my father published by USII and from the same regiment The 5th Gurkhas. He is a wonderful person, a legend and a true inspiration to us all! I remember visiting Kasauli with my father, a beautiful place, and where I had an epiphany moment in deciding to develop an Indian beer, which ended up being Cobra Beer! Trust Rahul and you are well. Warmest wishes to both of you

Karan Bilimoria
Nanni this was my third KSLF. Must say that the Transport arrangements was the best ever. Drivers were polite , professional On time and Flexible enough to accomodate changes. Take a bow. You did a Fantastic Job

Bharat Avalani
👍🌸 Well done Niloufer, loved your LitFest

Farzana Contractor
Hello Vani.
I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for getting us involved in the Khushwant Singh Lit Fest and making us a part of this incredible event. It was an amazing opportunity, and I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and support. I look forward to the experience next year and am thankful for your kindness.

Beeji's Delights , Komal Randhawa
Dear Nilofer,
I am writing to thank you for inviting me to the KS Litfest. I really enjoyed the session, and I think that Aparna from DK Books was also very positive about the experience. The evening at Raj Villa was, indeed, the icing on the cake.
My best wishes are always with Rahul and you.
Warm regards,

Thanks for everything. As always outstanding.
I had to rush back to Airforce. Gates shut at 10 pm. You all are really super. Each fest is a landmark in hospitality and care. Seamless organization. The best is the interactive Interactions with fine minds. The processing of great ideas and absolutely riveting conversations.
I got substantial break through in my Himalaya mission work. Which I will outline in points.
Also a connect with some writers who offered to recommend me for publishing my books when synopsis is professionally ready.

Punam Jain
Thank you for all your hospitality and heartiest congratulations on yet another very successful edition of KSLF, Reva missed a great event but we shall be there next year for sure. Warmly,

Dear Niloufer, Just a line to express my admiration at the way you'd planned the LitFest. Such a breadth of work was showcased, and so many diverse opinions nd ideas exchanged. Thank you for making me so welcome and for your and Mrrahul Singh's lavish hospitality. ishrat and i look forward to meeting you in Bombay.
With warm regards

Kalpana Swaminathan
Hi Rahul and Niloufer,
Thank you for the impressive Lit Fest and being most gracious hosts. Rami and I as well as our friends immensely enjoyed the Fest, it's diversity and your hospitality.
Looking forward to next year.

Ujjal Dosanjh
Dear Rahul and Niloufer,
I am writing to thank you both for inviting me and Prashant to the literary festival in Kasauli this year. Also, thank you for your hospitality last night; it was a great experience to see your dad's home in person. I hope our session did not disappoint you. Both Prashant and I had a great time and we met some wonderful people the last couple of days.
Thank you again
Best Wishes

Dinesh Thankur
This was the third visit to Khushwant Singh Lit Fest and, as on the previous occasions, I absolutely loved it! It was great to meet the authors and celebrities. My heartfelt thanks to the organizers and everyone involved for the wonderful hospitality. And of course to you and Mr. Rahul Singh personally! Grateful to you indeed.
Looking forward to being back there at the next edition. I am keen to be at the London edition in June 2024 too.
Best Regards,

Dear Niloufer ji,
Greetings from Ekjute Theatre Group
Ekjute Theatre Group and Saiyaara's entire team would like to thank you and Rahul ji for hosting us at The Khushwant Singh Literary Festival. It was a pleasure performing for the Kasauli audience and the members of The Club. We would also like to thank Hari ji for all the technical support. We appreciate the help we received from your entire team.
We wish you all the best and success with all your future endeavours and hope to associate with you again.
Thankyou and Best Regards.
With Love, Aap Ki Saiyaara😊
Ekjute Theatre Group

Juhi Babbar