Thank you for organizing such an inspiring literary festival and for allowing me with the wonderful opportunity to present my novel and share my thoughts. In the four days, I made friends and found interlocutors, with whom I have been corresponding regularly.
The entire festival was flawlessly organized--great sessions, amazing food, inspiring talks, and a perfect ambiance for discussing literature, music, film--all due to your efforts and the efforts of your marvelous team. I cannot even imagine how much effort and dedication went into it.

Anindyo Roy
A big thank you for making me a part of the 13th edition of the Khushwant Singh Literary Festival. It was a beautiful experience. The well-curated sessions, the wonderful line up of authors, the seasoned interlocutors, the dance/music/storytelling sessions, everything was engaging & delightful. I also loved the way you & Rahul orchestrated the entire 3-day event with such ease and charm, despite all the backbreaking hard work that must have gone into it. The fact that there was no demarcation between writers, speakers and book lover attendees, made the Festival very special and different. Your Team & volunteers also deserve a huge round of applause for making the 13th edition such a success.
My thanks and compliments to you and your Team for the resounding success of this event.
Thank you for an amazing experience!
The panel was a pleasure!
Hope to see you all soon,
The lit fest was incredible; such wonderful speakers and such a convivial atmosphere. I look forward to my continued association with the festival.

Anuradha Jain
Congratulations, heard a lot about the fest and how beautifully it is going on.

Sulakshna Bramta
Greetings ...just to say a big thank you to the panel, I was collecting compliments on your behalf even today, and I thought the session was both informative and interesting...
Thank you Team KSLF for all the amazing arrangements!

Suhasini Haidar
Hope Team KSLF have been able to put your feet up now.
Enjoyed my three days meaningful journey with KSLF. All arrangements were excellent and your personal touch was so visible. 🙏
Selection of authors and panels was very relevant to the theme💐

Meeran Borwankar
This is to thank you for a wholesome treat at KSLF. It was a pleasure meeting you in person.
An opportunity to listen to and interact with diverse intellectual minds, brainstorm ideas and carry home books and thought-provoking discussions, which shall linger and refine over time.
Heartening to meet a stellar line-up of speakers, a few of whom I had heard of, but never met. The discussion with school children and attendants at the festival was equally refreshing and eye-opening.
Altogether an awesome experience to witness the seamless flow and orchestration of the entire event with you at the helm of affairs.
Looking forward to more art, literary - art sessions in the successive years.
Thank you once again for the immersive experience.
This is such an honour!
I am utterly delighted.
A beautiful and profound practice rooted in soulful ethos.
We are forever connected.
To growth, nature & beauty!!!
Hope you got some time to put your hair down after a wonderful fest.
Thank you again for inviting me to be a part of it. The people, food, hills and the ideas was simply stunning.
What a fantasticabulous idea! Three cheers. Or is it Tree cheers! Can’t wait to get my certificate and of course will also plant a gift tree.
Thank you Niloufer and Rahul. This is icing on the KSLF cake.

Sathya Saran
Lovely, Love this gesture
thank you

Sarah Jacob
Thank you so much - what an absolutely wonderful gesture!

Neha Bhatt
Thanks Alex and Ananth and of course Suhasini for managing us so well!
Thank you for the invite and for the arrangements and hospitality!

Kanti Prasad Bajpai
Thank you so much Team KSLF. I was very pleased with our panel and even more so for the rest of my time with you up there. So well done, bravo!

Alex Travelli
Hope you are doing well after an absolutely fantastic lineup at the lit fest at Kasauli.
At the outside, I want to personally thank both of you for picking my book to be a part of the prestigious festival. The panelists brought a wealth of experience in different domains and the moderator, Sarah, kept the conversation extremely engaging. This was not just for my session but the other sessions were curated very thoughtfully! The confluence of literature with the theme of resilience and renewal was very apt amidst the beautiful venue.
My husband, daughter and I would love to continue to be a part of the KSLitFest and attend in the coming years as well. We fell in love with Kasauli too! Please let us know how we can contribute and engage with you on this.
Look forward to staying in touch and once again, thank you, for a wonderful weekend!

Kalpana Sankar
Priscilla and I write to thank you for another wonderful KS Lit Fest. The Lit Fest was very interesting and informative with a wide selection of subjects that had us all enthralled. We are aware that the quality and tone of the fest is due to your vision and that of Rahul and also the hard work put in by your team. You made all of us feel special and welcome.
I have attended a number of Lit Fests across the length and breadth of the country, but none of them comes anywhere close to the Kushwant Singh Lit Fest thanks to Rahul and you. The ambience is so informal and friendly and each time we come, we make new friends and reinforce old friendships. Thank you for giving us a room within the Club. It was very comfortable and we were well looked after by the staff.
Thank you once again and with every good wish for the success of future KS Lit Fests.
With warm regards and best wishes from Priscilla and me. God bless and keep safe.
This is such a beautiful gesture. Thank you for this honour. I am definitely going to extend this by gifting more trees to my parents and family.

KSLF is rooted in our hearts. Glad it has branched out too. Keep flourishing

Bachi Karkaria
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to present my book at the Khushwant Singh Litfest.
The “tree for life “ initiative is a fitting tribute to Mr Khushwant Singh’s legacy and I feel privileged to be a part of it.

Poonam Khaira Sidhu
Thanks a million for this lovely gift. Am truly honoured. Look forward to hosting you and Rahul in Chandigarh soon.
Have a great weekend.
